Rhythm, Melody , and Harmony
Relier ColonnesConnect the element with its definition.
Select percussion instruments
Carte InteractiveSelect the percussion instruments.
Percussion instrument names
Relier ColonnesConnect the picture and the names.
Find the pairs.
Names of percussion instrument
Mots MêlésFind the words.
Percussion instruments
Video QuizWatch the video and answer.
Primary Secondary Cool Warm
Mots CroisésPrimary Secondary Cool Warm
Group warm and cool colors
RelierSelect all of the colors of the same category.
Dramatic structure
MemoryMatch the parts of the play with their description.
Elements of Drama
Ordonner les MotsDefinition.
Ordonner les MotsDefinition.
Ordonner les MotsDefinition.
Opposites in Music
Relier ColonnesPitch, Duration, Tempo, Dynamics, Articulation, Form, Texture, Melody, Harmony
Elements of Music and Drama
RelierIndicate which are the elements of music and which are elements of drama.
Opposites in music
MemoryExamples of pitch, duration, tempo, dynamics, and articulation.
Timbre Activity
Relier ColonnesUnique characteristic of sound.
Basic elements of music
Mots MêlésFind the basic elements of music.
Timbre definition
Ordonner les MotsDefinition
Music definition
Ordonner les MotsDefinition