Carte InteractiveMarca las diferentes PARTES DEL CUERPO HUMANO en el dibujo: hombro, mano, cuello, pierna, pelo, boca, dedo, pie, rodilla, brazo, estomago, oreja, nariz
The Brass Instrument Family
Relier ColonnesBrass family, Tuba, Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn
Carte InteractiveMarca las diferentes PARTES DEL CUERPO HUMANO en el dibujo: hombro, mano, cuello, pierna, pelo, boca, dedo, pie, rodilla, brazo, estomago, oreja, nariz
Las Partes del Cuerpo - (Part 1-Simplified)
Froggy JumpsPractice body parts in Spanish: cabeza, hombros, rodillas, pies, ojos, orejas, boca, nariz.
Las Partes del Cuerpo - (Part 2)
Froggy JumpsPractice body parts in Spanish: Cuerpo, boca, pies, manos, dientes, nariz, cabeza, ojos, orejas, piernas, brazos, manos, rodillas, hombros, cuello, codo, muñeca, cintura
Emotions in Spanish
Relier ColonnesAlegre, mal y triste, llorando, sonriendo, enojado, pensando, sorprendido y feliz
Clothes: Camisa, Pantalones, Vestido, Sandalias, Calcetines OR Medias, Zapatos, Chaqueta, Falda, Botas, Pantalones Cortos, Camiseta
Camisa, Camiseta, Pantalones, Vestido, Abrigo, Corbata, Bata, Cinturon, Medias, Zapatos, Gorro, Chaqueta, Falda, Botas, Bufanda
Clothes: Gorro, Bufanda, Traje de bano, Pijama, Traje, Medias or calcetines, Guantes
Clothes: Camiseta, Pantalones cortos, Pantalones, Vestido, Abrigo, Sueter or Chaqueta
Clothes in Spanish - matching game
Relier ColonnesMatch the spanish article of clothing to its name: Falda, Zapato, Blusa, Camiseta, Botas, Pantalones cortos, Pantalones, Gorro, Vestido, Bufanda
Dynamics in Music
CompléterForte, Piano, Mezzo, Crescendo, Decrescendo
Mother Luisita's Life
Ordonner les MotsPut the events of Mother Luisita's life in their right order
Woodwind Instrument Family
Froggy JumpsOboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, Flute
Classroom in Spanish
Carte Interactivesilla, maestra, mesa, clase, estudiantes, libros
Music Theory Basic Vocabulary
CompléterA Fill in the Blanks game to test your knowledge of music theory vocabulary.
School Supplies in Spanish - (part 2)
Froggy JumpsLibro, Estudiante, Maestra/Maestro, Almuerzo, Pupitre/escritorio, Silla, Carpeta, Borrador, Puerta, Ventana, Colegio
School Supplies in Spanish - (part 1)
Froggy JumpsLapiz, Mochila, Goma de borrar, Hoja de papel, Tijeras, Regla, Pegamento, Cuaderno, Libro, Boligrafo/pluma,
School Supplies in Spanish - (whole unit review)
Froggy JumpsLapiz, Mochila, Goma de borrar, Hoja de papel, Tijeras, Regla, Pegamento, Cuaderno, Libro, Estudiante, Maestra/Maestro, Boligrafo/pluma, Almuerzo, Pupitre/escritorio, Silla, Carpeta, Borrador, Puerta,...
3-Spanish Introductions - TEACHING (w/ audio)
Relier ColonnesHola, Cual es tu nombre, Mi nombre es..., Mucho Gusto, Como estas, Estoy bien, Estoy mal, Estoy mas o menos bien.
Buenos Dias, Buenas Tardes, Buenas Noches, Hola, Adios
Practice Spanish Sports Vocabulary - Sports, tennis, baseball, football, soccer, basketball, hockey
Practice Spanish Sports Vocabulary - Sports, tennis, baseball, football, soccer, skiing, basketball, bike riding, gymnastics, swimming, volleyball, hockey
Sports, tennis, baseball, football, soccer, skiing, water skiing, basketball, bike riding, gymnastics, swimming, volleyball, hockey
Sports Vocabulary (Matching) -Teaching
Relier ColonnesPractice Spanish Sports Vocabulary - Sports, tennis, baseball, football, soccer, skiing, water skiing, basketball, bike riding, gymnastics, swimming, volleyball, hockey
Occupations in Spanish (15)
Froggy JumpsAbogado, Arquitecto, Bombero, Cantante, Cientifico, Cocinero, Dentista, Granjero, Maestra, Medico/Doctor, Oficial del Militar, Piloto, Policia, Sacerdote, Veterinario
Days of the week in Spanish - Froggy Jumps
Froggy JumpsDays of the week
Froggy JumpsDays of the week
Froggy JumpsFruit in spanish with audio
Lunch foods in spanish
Froggy JumpsHamburguesa, hamburguesa con queso, perro caliente, sandwich, manzanas, papas fritas, refresco, papitas fritas, agua, chocolate, galletas, helado
Days of the week in Spanish w/ audio - Froggy Jumps
Froggy JumpsHear the days of the week in Spanish and match them in English
Occupations -Spanish (D)
Mots RouletteCocinero, Granjero, Maestra or Maestro, Piloto, Dentista, Oficial del Militar
Occupations -Spanish with audio
Carte InteractiveLabeling 5 occupations in spanish as found in the occupations theater: Cocinero, Maestra, Dentista, Cantante, Veterinario
Mary Quotes from Saints
Mots CroisésMatching Saints' names with their quotes about Mary
Occupations/ Jobs in spanish
Froggy JumpsPolicia, Abogado, Medico/Doctor, Bombero, Arquitecto
Los colores (D)
Relier Colonnesmatch the colors to the audio
Occupations -Spanish
Mots RouletteCocinero, Granjero, Maestra or Maestro, Piloto, Dentista, Oficial del Militar
Occupations / Oficios / Profeciones
Ordonner les LettresDoctor / Medico, Abogado, Policia, Bombero, Arquitecto
Occupations in Spanish-with audio
Relier ColonnesPolicia, Doctor/ Medico, Bombero, Cantante, Abogado, Arquitecto, Cocinero, Granjero, Maestra/ Profesora, Piloto, Dentista, Militar, Sacerdote, Cientifico, Veterinario
Occupations in Spanish
Relier ColonnesPolicia, Doctor/ Medico, Bombero, Cantante, Abogado, Arquitecto, Cocinero, Granjero, Maestra/ Profesora, Piloto, Dentista, Militar, Sacerdote, Cientifico, Veterinario
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Froggy JumpsMozart's life and a few of his most famous compositions.
Johann Sebastian Bach
Froggy JumpsLife and most famous musical pieces
Farm Animals
Carte InteractiveStudents will hear the animal pronounced in spanish and identify the correct animal
Spanish Numbers 1-30
Carte InteractiveStudents will hear the audio of the number in spanish and identify the correct number
Numbers in Spanish 1-100
Carte InteractiveNumbers are pronounced in spanish and the children identify it with the correct written number
Baroque Composers - Antonio Vivaldi
Froggy JumpsHelps children learn to identify Vivaldi and his most famous composition "4 Seasons."
Spanish Snack foods -TEACH
Relier ColonnesMerienda, agua, chocolate, galletas, helado, refresco, fruta, refresco, jugos, zanahorias
Spanish Family -TEACHING
Carte InteractiveMadre, Padre, Hermano, Hermana, Abuelo, Abuela, Bebe
Spanish Family-Quiz
MemoryMadre, Padre, Hermana, Hermano, Abuelo, Abuela, Bebe
Spanish Dinner foods
Carte InteractiveEspagueti, Pollo, Arroz, Vegetales, Lechuga, Maiz, Ensalada, Zanahoria, Frijoles
Spanish Lunch foods -TEACH
MemoryPapas, Papitas, Papitas fritas, Hamburguesa, Perro Caliente, Sandwich, Agua, Refresco
Spanish Breakfast Foods -TEACH
Relier ColonnesHuevos, Cereal, Leche, Panques, Queso, Tocino, Platanos, Frutas, Jugo de Naranja
Breakfast foods in Spanish
Carte InteractiveHuevos, Cereal, Leche, Panques, Queso, Tocino, Platanos, Frutas, Jugo de Naranja
7-Family- TEACHING
Mots MêlésFamilia, Madre, Padre, Hijo, Hija, Hermano, Hermana, Abuelo, Abuela, Tio, Tia, Primo, Prima, Casa
6 - boy/girl, man/woman QUIZ
Mots Croisésniño, niña, hombre, mujer, hola
5-Spanish- Girl/Boy, Man/Woman - TEACHING
Relier Colonnesniño, niña, hombre, mujer
5-Spanish Colors
Mots CroisésRojo, Azul, Verde, Blanco, Naranja, Rosa, Amarillo, Negro, Gris, Marron or Cafe, Morado
Hola, Cual es tu nombre, Mi nombre es..., Mucho Gusto, Como estas, Estoy bien, Estoy mal, Estoy mas o menos bien.
1-Spanish Greetings - TEACHING
Relier ColonnesBuenos Dias, Buenas Tardes, Buenas Noches, Hola, Adios
3-Spanish Introductions - TEACHING
Relier ColonnesHola, Cual es tu nombre, Mi nombre es..., Mucho Gusto, Como estas, Estoy bien, Estoy mal, Estoy mas o menos bien.
Buenos Dias, Buenas Tardes, Buenas Noches, Hola, Adios