Different types of Past tenses
Relier ColonnesMatch each past tense with its appropriate definition of use.
Test your knowledge on irregular verb forms in the third person singular!
Idioms in context
Froggy JumpsSelect the correct idiom according to the context in the question
Works and Jobs Quiz
TestSelect the correct answer to complete the sentence.
Works and Jobs Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the work vocabulary studied in class with their correct definitions
Matching Idioms
Relier ColonnesMatch the idiom with its definition
Choose the correct verb form in the Present Simple Tense
People and Workplaces
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their definitions or examples from Aeroman's organization.
Unscrumble sentences with "How often"
Ordonner les MotsRearrange the words in order to form questions on frequency with "How often"
Unscramble words in Present Simple
Ordonner les MotsUnscramble the words in order to form the right sentences in positive, negative and question statements in Present Simple.
Vocabulary Cosmic Dawn RE5
Relier ColonnesMatch the word or group of words from the vocabulary in the reading and match them with the proper definition.
Gerund or Infinitive?
CompléterType the correct form of the verb (gerund or infinitive) in the next sentences according to what has been studied in class.
Arranging sentences with Gerunds and Infinitives
Ordonner les MotsUnscramble the words in order to arrange the sentences in a meaningful way
Select the appropriate verb form (past, present or future simple) in the next sentences
Choose the correct form (gerund or infinitive) for the next sentences:
Unscramble Sentences Game in Simple Present
Ordonner les MotsTest your knowledge of affirmative, negative, and question sentences in present simple!
Review of Vocabulary RE5 readings
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their appropriate definitions.
Arraging simple sentences
Ordonner les MotsOrder the words to find the logical sentence
The secrets of the Maya voc RE5
Froggy JumpsSelect the correct word to fill in the blanks according to the studied vocabulary.
Matching questions with answer
Relier ColonnesPlease match the question with its corresponding answer paying close attention to the AUXILIARY used in the question.
Reading vocabulary game CBB
Mots CroisésComplete the Crossword by using the vocabulary learned from the Cultural Behavior in Business Reading exercise studied in class.
Choose the correct adjective:
Burn out Idioms
Relier ColonnesPlease match the Idiom with its correct definition
Adverbs of Frequency exercise
Ordonner les MotsPlease unscramble the sentences in the correct grammatical order
Unscrumbling Idioms
Ordonner les LettresUnscrumble and find the Idiom hidden in the disorder words by using the given clues of its meaning
Phrasal Verbs for Work Game
Relier ColonnesPlease match the phrasal verb with its correct definition according to the vocabulary of Work studied in class.
Handout's vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the words or phrases with their correct definition based on the vocabulary learned from the current reading: "What the World's greatest managers do differently"
Practice on Vocabulary Lesson
Relier ColonnesMatch the words or expressions from column A with the definitions on column B based on the Vocabulary studied in class about Money.
Reading Vocabulary in Practice
Froggy JumpsPlease select the correct word or phrase according to the vocabulary learned in the last reading sessions
La Place de l'adverbe
Ordonner les MotsPlacez l’adverbe dans la position qui correspond d’après les règles étudiées.
Vocabulaire du cinéma
Mots MêlésTrouvez dans le jeux de "mots mêlés" les mots appartenant au sujet du "Cinéma".