Mots MêlésEncuentra las palabras acerca de la lectura
CompléterStudents will learn the use of Do/does
Mots MêlésStudents will learn the values
Irregular verbs
Relier ColonnesStudents will learn irregular verbs in past
More about maps
Relier ColonnesStudents will learn to identify vocabulary about maps
My country
Relier ColonnesStudents will identify information about my country
Frequency adverbs
Mots CroisésStudents will learn to identify frequency adverbs
Relier ColonnesStudents will remember the alphabet
CompléterStudents will remember the use of Wasn't or Weren't
Verb To Be in past tense
CompléterStudents will learn the use of Verb To Be in negative and interrogative form.
To Be in Past Tense
CompléterStudents will learn the use of the verb To Be in past tense
I'd like to.....
CompléterStudents will identify the use of "Would like"
Can / Can't
Relier ColonnesStudents identify to use of can or can't
Musical instruments
Relier ColonnesStudentes will learn to identify musical instuments
My day
Mots CroisésIdentify times of the day
Plural words
RelierIdentify plural words
Mots CroisésStudents will identify emotions
Farm Animals
Relier ColonnesStudents will learn to recognize farm animals
Dairy Products on the Farm
Relier ColonnesHoy en la clase de inglés aprendimos los productos lácteos
Possessive Adjectives
CompléterUso de los adjetivos posesivos
Five Senses
Relier ColonnesHoy aprendimos los 5 sentidos en inglés
Family members and occupations
Mots CroisésHoy aprendimos las ocupaciones de los miembros de la familia
Family members
Mots MêlésEn la clase de hoy aprendimos los miembros de la familia en inglés
Occupations and professions
Relier ColonnesEn la clase de inglés de hoy aprendimos las ocupaciones y profesiones
Verbs in the Simple Present
Relier ColonnesEn la clase de hoy aprendimos los verbos en presente simple
Verb To Be
CompléterHoy en la clase de inglés aprendimos el uso del verbo To Be en presente simple.
Personal pronouns
Mots MêlésHoy en la clase de inglés aprendimos los pronombres personales