Film genres
Mots CroisésTo identify film genres
What I know? Diagnosis test
Relier ColonnesLet's check your knowledge about some vocabulary: family, sports. feelings and food.
Mots CroisésCheck some vocabulary about our environment.
Sport venues & equipment
Mots CroisésTo develop a puzzle based on the vocabulary learnt.
Home and furniture
Mots CroisésTo use the vocabulary learnt and complete the puzzle
Mots MêlésTo check vocabulary about furniture
RelierClassify the sports according to the verb.
True story
CompléterRead the whole article and complete the summary of the story.
Digital Entertainment 702
Mots CroisésComplete the crossword based on the vocabulary.
Vocabulary: Entertainment 702
CompléterTo complete the following text. Taking into account the vocabulary.
Future plans 702
CompléterComplete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in the present continuous.
Harry's friend Vicky.
Relier ColonnesOrganize the paragraphs. Take into account the explanation
People description 701
Mots CroisésTo write the correct words according to the definition.
Talking with a friend
Relier ColonnesExpressions to talk about your weekend or holiday.
Mots MêlésFind the words related to crime.
People in crime 701
MemoryMatch the picture with the correct word