Ordonner les Mots
Unscramble the Present Simple!
Test your knowledge of affirmative and negative forms in English grammar.
Ordonner les Lettres
Home Object Unscramble
Test your skills by rearranging letters to find common items found in a living space.
Ordonner les Lettres
Personality Traits Unscramble
Guess the adjectives related to personaluty traits!
Vacation Fun Memory
A memory cards game about vacation activities for kids. Match the cards and have fun while learning about different activities!
Key expressions 1
Business Result unit 1 Reporting from a personal observation Reporting from another source Expressing doubt Avoiding commitment Reporting from a personal observation Reporting from another s...
Relier Colonnes
How to spot a liar
Vocabulary - Ted Talks - Pamela Meyer – Lie Spotting - match the words/phrases and definitions
Relier Colonnes
How to spot a liar
Vocabulary - Ted Talks - Pamela Meyer – Lie Spotting - match the words/phrases and definitions