
Son jeux

Changer le mode d'affichage de l'activité
  • Ordonner les Lettres
    Ordonner les Lettres

    Unscramble the words

    Unscramble the words

  • Mots Croisés

    Lee cuidadosamente y responde.

  • Video Quiz

    Observa el video y responde correctamente.

  • Test

    Escoge la opcón correcta en el siguiente examen.

  • Compléter

    Escoge la palabra correcta pata completar el texto.

  • Relier Colonnes

    En esta actividad uniras los conceptos vistos en la clase.

  • Test

    En este examen tendrás que contestar relacionado a los pilares de la educación.

  • Test

    In this test you will notice your english improvement, so be ready and do your best

  • Test

    In this test you will show your language knowledge about English

  • Test

    En este examen podrás demostrar los conocimientos adquiridos durante las sesiones de la asignatura "Problemas Contemporáneos de la Educación"

  • Mots Croisés
    Mots Croisés


    Esto es una actividad en la cual repasaras lo visto en clase sobre la Democracia.

  • Relier

    Instrucciones: Selecciona las dos respuestas correctas de cada pregunta que aparezca

  • Relier

    En esta divertida actividad pondremos en practica lo visto en la exposición realizada sobre las aglomeraciones urbanas de Córdoba Veracruz .

  • Mots Croisés
    Mots Croisés

    7 emociones

    En esta actividad reforzaras tu aprendizaje del video antes compartido

  • Video Quiz

    Hi class! In this challenge you will see a video about the super powers of the most miracles Saints in the Catholic Church.

  • Test

    Hi class! In this test you will see your knowledge acquired during the first season of your English online classes.

  • Memory

    Follow the intructions to do your challenge

  • Devinette

    Think about your homeland and answer the following challenge.

  • Test

    Read each sentence and choose the correct option

  • Mots Croisés
    Mots Croisés


    Look at the clues to answer the Crossword puzzle about the Seasons of the year.

  • Compléter

    Complete the following sentences using the correct imperative verb.

  • Compléter

    Verb to be text

    According to your learned goals of the statements with "be" answer the following quiz.

  • Ordonner les Mots
    Ordonner les Mots

    Verb to be text

    Please drag the words to make correctly the sentenses.

  • Test

    According to the given explanation of the uses of the "definite and indefinite articles", please read every sentence and choose the correct article.

  • Compléter


  • Test

    In this test you will take your knowledge about the last English course, so please be focused and answer correctly the following questions. Let´s get it!!! : )

  • Ordonner les Mots
    Ordonner les Mots


    According to the presentation put in order the words to access to myenglishlab

  • Test

    In this test you will take your knowledge about the last English course, so please be focused and answer correctly the following questions. Let´s get it!!! : )