Vocabulary - Movies & News
Mots MêlésFind all the words related to movies and news in this fun puzzle!
Mots CroisésFind out what the missing connector is in each sentence.
Gerunds and Simple Past
Mots MêlésFind the verbs in the word puzzle.
Sports and accesories
Mots MêlésFind all the sports and sports accessories in this fun word puzzle!
Action Verbs (I)
Mots MêlésFind all the action verbs in the word puzzle.
Action Verbs (II)
Mots CroisésFind out the corresponding action verb according to its definition.
Public Places
Mots CroisésFind out the names of all the public places according to their description.
Vacation activities
Mots MêlésHow much do you know about vacation activities? Find them in the word puzzle; there are a few additional ones so that you can get extra points!
Household chores
Mots MêlésFind the household chores in the following word puzzle; there are some additional ones. If you find them all, you can get extra points!
Environmental problems
Mots MêlésFind as many words as you can related to water, land, and air pollution. There are additional ones so you can get extra points if you find them all!