Sequencing Words French-English
Froggy JumpsDefine each sequencing word
Aller Present Tense froggy jump
Froggy JumpsConjugate Aller in present tense
Irregular Past Participles Froggy Jumps
Froggy JumpsChoose the irregular past participle
Reflexive Verbs in Present Tense
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct conjugation of each verb in the present tense
French Fruits Match picture to French
Fruits & Veggies Froggy Jump
Froggy JumpsVeggie Picture Match
La Cuisine au Restaurant: Froggy Jump
Froggy JumpsMatch the Food with it's Picture
ER regular past part & faire
MemoryER regular past part & faire
E-mail reply match text/audio
Relier ColonnesE-mail reply match text/audio
La Martinique vocab froggy jump
Froggy JumpsLa Martinique vocab froggy jump
Simulated Conversation Froggy Jump
Froggy JumpsSimulated Conversation Froggy Jump
e-mail reply vocabulary fill in the blank froggy jump
Irregular Futur Simple Stems
MemoryIrregular Futur Simple Stems
Futur Simple Conjugation with regular and irregular stems Froggy Jump
Le Futur Immédiat Froggy Jumps
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct conjugation of the verb in parentheses.
Les Loisirs Match Challenge
MemoryMatch the Leisure activity with the picture
Les Loisirs
Froggy JumpsMatch the activity to the picture
Asking for food: fill in the blank
Froggy Jumpsfill in the blank
Partitive Article Practice
Froggy JumpsFill in the blank with the partitive article
Match the pictures of the chores with the French expression.
Chores & Responsibilities
MemoryMatch the pictures of the chores with the French expression.
Vandertramp Verbs
MemoryMatch the verb with it's English definition.
Asking for Food Vocabulary
MemoryMatch the French with its English equivalent.
Match the pictures. Every time you flip a card, you need to say what it is out loud--whether you get a match or not.
Compete to find the vocabulary that matches with the picture.
Match the pictures. Every time you flip a card, you need to say what it is out loud--whether you get a match or not.
When you turn over a card, you have to say what the vocabulary word/phrase is, even if you don't get a match.
Irregular Past Participles
MemoryMatch the infinitive with the past participle.
On se retrouve Q&A
Relier ColonnesMatch the statement/question with the appropriate response.