
Son jeux

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  • Relier Colonnes
    Relier Colonnes


    This is an assessment to put in practice the topics learned today!

  • Mots Croisés

    Vocabulary activity in order to improve listening skills to students from 5th semester UNEMI.

  • Video Quiz

    El siguiente recurso digital tiene como fin reforzar los conocimientos de los estudiantes acerca de la suma de los números enteros por medio del recurso de video quiz, en el cual deberán responder a l...

  • Carte Interactive
    Carte Interactive


    The following interactive map was created in order to reinforce the parts of the human body learned in class. Place each part on the graphic.

  • Memory

    Juego cristiano para jóvenes - Grupo familiar Alfareros

  • Video Quiz

    This Quiz was created to reinforce your abilities and we help you develop your personality about your body expression.