Numbers 11 - 20
Ordonner les Lettresnumbers
Infa 3 - Unit 5 (1)
Ordonner les LettresSea animals
Infa 1 - Toys and adjectives
Ordonner les LettresInfa 1 - Super Minds 1 - Toys and adjectives
Unit 7 - C1 Advanced
MemoryListening vocabulary pages 70 and 71
Prepositions (Pre intermediate)
Froggy JumpsPre intermediate English. Prepositions. English File 3rd edition.
Review unit 6 (2) C1 Advanced
Froggy Jumpsreview unit 6 advanced c1 gold
Review unit 6 (1) C1 Advanced
Froggy Jumpsreview unit 6
1ro Adultos (2) - Landscapes
Ordonner les LettresLandscapes, solutions, pre int, 3rd edition, unit 2.
1ro Adultos (1) - Landscapes
Ordonner les LettresLandscapes, solutions pre int, 3rd edition, unit 2
Infa 3- Questions in the past
Ordonner les MotsQuestions in the past simple.
Infa 3 - make sentences and questions - present simple
Ordonner les MotsPresent simple. Sentences and questions.
Infa 3 - Make Qs
Ordonner les MotsPast simple - questions
Infa 2 - Unit 8
Ordonner les LettresUnit 8 (fruit and vegetables) and the story The Island
Adverbs, adjectives, nouns (SANTI)
Froggy JumpsLanguage practice
Ordonner les LettresInfantil 3, 3rd term test
Ordonner les LettresInfantil 3- 3rd term test
Infa 3 - Swimming....
Relier ColonnesSwimming with dolphins, vocabulary, synonyms
Prepa 3rd term (group 2)
Froggy JumpsPreparatorio - 3rd term test
Prepa 3rd term (group 1)
Froggy JumpsPreparatorio - 3rd term test
Newspaper chase
Relier ColonnesPages 4, 5 and 6
2do Adultos - Unit 8A
Froggy JumpsCrime and criminals
Intro - Unit 7 (WW)
Froggy JumpsPast continuous, past simple, body
Under the sea
Froggy JumpsKinder red - unit 5 - Under the sea
4to Midterm Vocabulary
Ordonner les LettresVocabulary units 9 - 12.
Superlatives - Group 2
Ordonner les LettresSuperlatives
Superlatives - Group 1
Ordonner les LettresSuperlatives
Wan - Verbs and prepositions
Froggy JumpsVerbs and prepositions
Gerunds or infinitives
Parts of the body memory game for kids 1 or kids 2
2nd Adults - Future and Conditionals (2nd term)
Froggy Jumps2nd adults - 2nd term test revision
Present Simple or Continuous (D)
Froggy JumpsPres simple or continuous - Unit 2 Wider World 2
Prepa - Unit 2 Revision
Ordonner les LettresFamily, adjectives
2do Adultos Revision
Froggy JumpsVocabulary, natural disaster, etc.
Intro Revision Unit 1
Froggy JumpsPronouns, possessives, present simple, vocabulary
Infa 2 - Revision
Ordonner les LettresDays of the week, routine actions
Prepa Revision
Froggy JumpsTo be, adjectives
Infa 2 Repaso
Froggy JumpsDays of the week, any/some, numbers, actions
Unit 5 Travel FCE
Froggy JumpsUnit 5 Travel FCE for Wanda - Travel phrasal verbs, vocabulary, etc.
Robin Hood - Ch 1
Mots CroisésLevel 2 - Pearson Vocabulary Chapter 1
TestHave / has / did / do / does / is / are / am / etc...
3ro adultos
Mots Mêlés.....
First Conditional
TestFirst conditional practice
3rd Term Test
Mots Roulette2nd Ad - Units 6, 7 and 8
Should / Must