Read the questions and choose the correct option.
Bobby's closet
TestRe- read the short story "Bobby's closet" and answer the questions by choosing the correct option.
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their corresponding definition
Stranger things - Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the words/phrases with their corresponding definition.
Choose the correct option.
TestChoose the correct answer to the following questions.
The sun's travels
Relier ColonnesLet's find the rhymes in the poem!
The land of Nod
Relier ColonnesLet's find the rhymes in the poem!
Pets! 3
DevinetteAdivina adivinador... ¿qué mascota se esconde en esta imagen?
Pets! 2
DevinetteAdivina adivinador... ¿qué mascota se esconde en esta imagen?
DevinetteAdivina adivinador... ¿qué mascota se esconde en esta imagen?
Magic - One direction
CompléterComplete the lyrics with the corresponding word.
DevinettePistas en imagenes
Bart gets an F
The Clown Statue
TestCreepy short story
Bart gets an F
TestVideo Session
Revision - Vocabulary
Mots RouletteRosco :)