Video Quiz
Halloween Time!!!
Watch this video about the history of Halloween and answer the questions.
Relier Colonnes
Prefix -dis and suffix -ful
Let's figure out the meaning of sentences. Match the columns according to their meanings.
Conceição Evaristo's biography
Vamos lembrar o que aprendemos sobre a Conceição Evaristo? Complete a biografia colocando os verbos na lacuna correta.
Do you remember...?
Nesta atividade, vamos exercitar nossa memória sobre a biografia de Chadwick Boseman. Você lembra dos detalhes? Complete as lacunas com WAS ou WERE e confira!!!
Relier Colonnes
Rosa Parks's family
Correlacione as colunas. Basta clicar nos itens correspondentes.
The Starry Night
You have probably heard about this famous painting during your Arts classes. Do you know who painted it? What else do you know about it? Do some research on the internet and fill in the blanks.
Mots Croisés
My Family
Escute as palavras relacionadas aos membros da família e complete a cruzadinha!!! Have fun!!!
Mots Croisés
Irregular Verbs Crossword
Let's review irregular verbs and have fun? Find 11 verbs in the Past Simple. You can also listen to their pronunciation!!!