Summer break in the USA
CompléterFill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb.
Past Participles
MemoryMatch the past participle to its regular form.
ESL Travel Reading
TestESL Travel Reading Comprehension Passage https://www.excellentesl4u.com/esl-travel-reading.html
7 Careers for Animal Lovers
MemoryMatch the description with the correct term.
Listening: Part 3
TestListen to Holly talking to her friend Ned about learning to sail.
Listening: Part 3
Relier ColonnesYou will hear paraphrases of the sentences in the photo. Match the sentences you hear (1-7) with sentences (a-g).
Relate Columns
Relier ColonnesRelate Columns
Parts of the Body
Carte InteractiveMuscles and Bones