Mains electricity
Relier Colonnesconnect the picture with the meaning
Components in a circuit
CompléterComplete the sentence choosing the word that is missing
Type of instruments
RelierClassify the instruments
Electric Circuit
Relier ColonnesConnect the picture with the correct name.
Sounds general
CompléterComplete the sentences with the correct word
Sound Volume
Relier ColonnesConnect the volume of sound with the sound source that produces it
Connect Sounds
Relier ColonnesConnect the picture with the correct word or sentence.
Crossword about Sounds!
Mots MêlésScience 3rd Find out the vocabulary that we have worked in class.
Final test 3C - Science
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with the correct name of the animal
Final test 3B - Science
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with the correct name of the animal