Unscramble words
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble words from vocabulary- Family and Friends 2 lesson 14
Types of Hair
MemoryMatch the picture with the correct word
Adjectives and antonyms
Relier ColonnesLookback 3.5 Elementary Speak Out
Vocabulary Speak Out Elementary 1.2
Relier ColonnesReview some new words
School things
Froggy JumpsReview vocabulary
Making questions
Ordonner les MotsOrder questions
Unscramble the sentences about home
Ordonner les MotsClick on the word and drag to its correct place
Froggy JumpsVocabulary- Speak Out 1-1.4-video,Around The World
Ropa y accesorios
Mots CroisésLos estudiantes practican vocabulario de la ropa y accesorios. A1
Mots CroisésReview vocabulary of places and concepts of mesure.
Parts of the body
Carte InteractiveTo identify and write in its place the name of the parts of the body
Countries and weather
Carte InteractiveIdentify countries, some features and their weather.
Uso de verbo tener
TestSe elegirá la conjugación correcta en cada caso.
Verbo tener
CompléterSe completaran los espacios con la palabra que complete la oración correctamente
Adjetivos demostrativos-CDMX
Carte InteractiveUtilizar adjetivos demostrativos repasando el transporte público en la Ciudad de México.
Adjetivos Demostrativos 1
Carte InteractivePara practicar los Adjetivos Demostrativos
Examen A1
TestPrimer examen A1