
Son jeux

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  • Video Quiz
    Video Quiz

    verb to be

    To listen and answer the questions

  • Compléter

    Complete the spaces with the right answer. Completa los espacios con la respuesta correcta.

  • Compléter

    healthy habits

    Everyone is going to complete the spaces with the words related to the topic. (Cada uno va a completar los espacios con las palabras que considere relacionadas al tema visto

  • Relier

    Linking words

    To group each element with the corresponding category: animals, fruits and months. You will have 3 chances. (agrupa los elementos segun la categoria a la que pertenecen. Tienes solo 3 intentos.

  • Mots Mêlés
    Mots Mêlés

    Alphabet Soup

    Hello everybody, The next activity is about to find word by word in the alphabet soup. Each time you highlight the word, you will see if it is good or wrong according to the color red (wrong) or gree...