Topics 2nd Term - 1° (D)
Mots MêlésActivity with important vocabulary for this term
Topics 2nd Term - 1°
Mots MêlésActivity with important vocabulary for this term
Matter (properties-behavior)
Mots MêlésHere you will find some important vocabulary related to the topics for this term.
Forces effects
Relier ColonnesIn this game you will relate the forces we are learning with the effect they cause
Mots MêlésThis is to get to know the topics for the term in a more didactic way :)
Relier ColonnesThis activity will help you practice the characteristics we are working of the different factors found in nature. Hope you enjoy it :)
Factors of nature - Topics
Mots MêlésThese are the topics we will work during this term, and some of the vocabulary