Relier Colonnes
Mortgage and Loans -T-Y
Match commonly used term in mortgage underwriting In English to their definitions.
Relier Colonnes
Mortgage and Loans -Q-S-
Match commonly used terms used in English in mortgage underwriting to their definitions.
Relier Colonnes
Mortgage and Loans -O-P-
Match common mortagage underwriting terms in English to their definitions.
Relier Colonnes
Mortgage and Loans -M-N-
Match terms commonly used in motrgage underwriting in English.
Relier Colonnes
Mortgage and Loans I-L
Match commonly used mortgage terms in English to their definitions.
Relier Colonnes
Mortgage and Loans G-H
Match the commonly used mortgage terms in English to their definitions.
Relier Colonnes
Mortgage and Loans -E & F-
Match commonly used mortgage terms to their definitions in English.
Relier Colonnes
Mortgage and Loans -D-
Practice terms commonly used in mortgage underwriting in English. Match the terms with their explanation.
Ordonner les Mots
Reported Speech
Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Affirmative and negative sentences.
Relier Colonnes
Mortgage and Loans -C-
Practice terms commonly used in mortgage underwriting in English. Match the terms with their explanation.
More Reported Speech Practice
Write the reported speech for the sentences. Use pronouns and possessive adjectives in the new sentences.
Reported Speech
Write the sentences given in reported speech. Use pronouns in the new sentences. (he, she,my,your....)
Relier Colonnes
Past Simple/Past Continuous B1
Match up sentence halves about interrupted and simultaneous actions in the past to make the most logical sentences.
Relier Colonnes
Mortgage and Loans -A-
Practice with common terms used in mortgage underwriting and loans.
Mots Roulette
Vocabulary unit 1 Gateway B1+
This is an exercise using definitions and synonyms for B1+ vocabulary.