Name the limits of Veracruz
Find all different names of 3A
Some verbs in Past Participle
Match the picture with the sensation.
Connect question qith answers
The hunt for the Ibis tomb 8
That's not my name - Lyrics
Alicia Keys - If I Ain't Got You
Complete the list and the description with the video.
Some interruptions on the phone.
Complete the questions and answers.
Episode three. Complete the story.
Order the instructions According to the picture.
See the pictures and write the vocabulary
Complete the sentences with professions.
Order the sentences as they might happen.
Complete the sentences with the correct places or objects.
Physical appearance and clothes
Complete these questions.
Complete the questions qieth superlatives and the correct verb in past partticiple.
Kids 9 - Unit 1 - Lesson C
Answer the questions or complete the sentences.
Match the two words to create one
Complete the sentences with the correct verb in past.
Story of Coyote and the Mice.
Name de body parts of the beetle and spider
Click int the correct part.
Complete the stories with the correct verb.
Complete the sentences with correct verb.
Listen and complete the lyrics
See the pictures and complete the vocabulary
Find as many articles to take on a trip as possible.
Connect the activities with the place:
Complete the questions with the options in the box.
What is the characteristic?
Connect the picture with the word.
Complete the sentence with the correct form and then exclude the incorrect one.
Use the ccorrect for of the verb to complete the tips.
Encuentra los School Objects que te señala y da click en el recuadro correcto
find the hidden vocabulary.
No clues, just memory
Complete the sentences with an environmental situation
Match the situation with the advice
Match the picture with the correcponding scrambled vocabulary
Complete the sentences with the right conjugations
Complete the ideas using a cpnvination of a prefix and another word.
Match the verb with meaning
Unscramble the word and match with the corre picture
Find complements of DO and Make
Complete the senteces about healthy eating
Match the stories you listen with the best response.
Match the verb with omplement
Click on the correct for of the verb
Discover the relative in the description.
Make connections of adjective - noun or noun - noun.
Connect the situation with thir reasons
Find the different hobbies
Complete the description of Inside out
Match the person with the emotion
Find the things you can see in the fair.
Find the things you can see in the fair.
Encuentra los saludos y otras frases.
Find the different adverbs
Match the person with the reason why they should apologize.
Match the number with the event n the correct order.
Match the phrasal erb and its synoym,
What problems can you find
Complete with the corresponding convination of phrasal verbs.
Match the problem and say if there was a solution.
Talk about the activities they're doing in the video
Find in the puzzle the words missing in the table (Excel document)
What can you do in Japan. Connect the pictures.
Teens 7 - Vocabulary of Vacations and Souvenirs.
Match the picture with the corresponding word or phrase.
Activities in San Francisco
Complete the story with the correct particle or preosition.