Dogs & Smells
Relier ColonnesFrom the British Council: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/general-english/video-zone/why-dogs-stick-their-heads-out-car-windows
Dates & Times - Question & Answer Matching Game
Relier ColonnesFor each question, choose the best answer.
Is it a capital city?
Oui ou NonYes or No...?
Health & Fitness (should/must/have to)
Froggy JumpsB1 level grammar: should(n't), must(n't), (don't) have to.
Health & Injuries
CompléterB1 level vocabulary to do with health & injuries.
C1 Compound Adjectives (1)
Relier ColonnesMatch the two words to create compound adjectives.
C1 level matching game.
C1 level matching game.
C1 level matching game.
5th Grade Spelling Bee Wordsea
Mots MêlésFind a selection of words from the 5th Grade spellin bee wordlist.
Stories & Past Tense Practice
Froggy JumpsFill in the blanks with the correct story/past tense vocab.
Work-related collocations (C1 level)
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct word to complete the collocation. 10 seconds to answer, and only 1 life!
What are the four groups? #1
RelierPut the words into four groups, then say what the groups are!
Ocean vocab
Mots CroisésSome English vocab related to the ocean.
Migrations (Cambridge C1Vocab)
CompléterComplete the text about people who leave their home country to live somewhere else.
Passive Voice: Fill the blanks
CompléterComplete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first, using the passive. You should write two or three words.
Past Tenses Wordsearch
Mots MêlésFind the past tense verbs in the grid!
A2 Key Reading Part 5
CompléterComplete the email. Write ONE word for each space. More activities like this: https://www.esleschool.com/ket-exam-practice-a2-english-level/
A-Z Vocab: 6th Grade A2 Level
Mots RouletteAn alphabet of random vocab words from the Cambridge A2 Key wordlst 2021: https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/images/506886-a2-key-2020-vocabulary-list.pdf
Feelings #1
Mots CroisésSome interesting ways to describe how you feel about something.
Years and Numbers
Relier ColonnesMatch the spoken years and numbers with the written version.