Conflict and Warfare Matching Game
Relier ColonnesTest your knowledge of conflict and warfare concepts with this engaging matching pairs game.
Conflict and Warfare Matching Game
Relier ColonnesTest your knowledge of conflict and warfare concepts with this engaging matching pairs game.
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with the appropriate definition
Solutions Upper-Int 1D
CompléterFill in the gaps with the new words/phrases.
New Inspiration 2 u 8.2 ex.3
Relier ColonnesRead the article (SB p 102 ex. 2) and match the halves (SB p 103 ex.3).
EF Advanced "Technology"
Relier ColonnesWhat do you think the underlined words and phrases mean? Match them to their correct meaning.
EF Intermediate 9A
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences. Pay attention to words in capital letters. Match the new words/phrases to their definitions.
New Inspiration U7 Revision
Mots CroisésRead the definition, look at the pictures and guess the word.
Breaking news
Relier ColonnesMatch the words/phrases with their definitions.
EF Intermediate 8A
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences. Pay attention to the words in the capital letters. Match them to the definitions.
New Inspiration 2 u6.1 and 6.2
Mots CroisésRead the definitions or look at the pictures and guess the word.
Advanced TED
CompléterFill in the gaps in the sentences with the correct words or phrase.
New Inspiration 2 u5
Mots CroisésRevise vocabulary. Read the definition or use the pictures and type the correct word/phrase.
Solutions Intermediate 8A
Mots CroisésRead the definition or look at the images and find out the word/phrase.
Inspiration 2 u5.4
CompléterFill in the gaps with the correct word/phrase.
Inspiration 2 u 5.3
CompléterFill in the gaps with the new word/phrase.
A life at a time
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences. Pay attention to the words in capital letters. Match the words/phrases to their definitions.
Solutions Intermediate 7E
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences. Define the words in capital letters and match them to the appropriate definition.
EF Advanced 3B
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences. Pay attention to the words in capital letters. Match them to their definitions.
EF Advanced 4A (sounds)
CompléterFill in the gaps with the appropriate words.
EF Intermediate 5A
CompléterFill in the gaps.
EF Intermediate 4B(reading)
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences and pay attention to the words in capital letters. Match them to definitions.
EF pre-intermediate
Relier ColonnesMatch a pessimist response with You say statements.
Solutions Intermadiate
Mots CroisésRead the definitions and guess the word. Type the words.
EF Intermediate 4 A (p36)
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences. Match definitions to the words in capital letters.
EF Intermediate 4A (Reading)
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences. Pay attention to the words/phrases in capital letters. Match them to their definitions.
Work-life balance
Relier ColonnesMatch the words/phrases to their definitions.
EF intermediate 5B
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences. Pay attention to the words in capital letters. Match them to their definitions.
EF Upper 2A reading
Relier ColonnesMatch the words to their definitions.
Solutions Intermediate 5E
CompléterFill in the gaps with the appropriate words/phrases
IELTS Languages
Relier ColonnesMatch the phrases to their definitions
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences with the words/phrases in the capital letters. Try to identify their meaning through the context. Match these words/phrases to their definitions.
Mediterranean food
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences, pay attention to the words in capital letters and match them to appropriate definitions.
Advanced (adj. and av.)
Relier ColonnesMatch the words in capital letters to their definitions or synonyms.
Producer and consumers
CompléterFill in the gaps
EF Pre-Intermediate
Video QuizWatch and answer the questions
"Healthy food"
Video QuizWatch the video and choose the appropriate answer.
Solutions Intermediate 3A
CompléterFill in the gaps with appropriate vocabulary.
Relier ColonnesMatch the tactics to the descriptions.
EF Pre-Intermediate 1C Clothes
Mots CroisésFill in the crossword using the clothes words
EF Advanced "Take" expressions
CompléterFill in the gaps with the appropriate phrase.
EF Pre-INtermediate 1B Reading
Relier ColonnesMatch the definitions to the words
Adjectives order
CompléterFill in the missing words
Confusing verbs
CompléterComplete the sentences with appropriate verbs
IELTS "Money and Value"
CompléterMatch adjectives to their functions
EF Intermediate 2B
CompléterFill in the gaps with appropriate words.
Advanced (Discourse markers)
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences. Match the discourse markers (adverbs and adverbial expressions).
S Advanced 3rd edition 8A
Relier ColonnesComplete the collocations.
Ted "What makes you special"
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences and match the words/phrases in capital letters to their definitions.
Common Idioms
Relier ColonnesMatch idioms to their definitions.
TED talk "Printing clothes"
Relier ColonnesMatch the words in capital letters to their definitions.
S Advanced "Keeping secret"
Relier ColonnesMatch the words in capital letters with their meanings.
S Advanced 9A
Relier ColonnesMatch the words to their defitions.
EF Intermediate (TED talk)
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences. Define the meaning of the words/phrases in capital letters. Match them to an appropriate definition.
Enquiry (prepositions)
CompléterGomplete the sentences with a preposition.
S Advanced 8B "Food or Fuel".
Relier ColonnesMatch the words in capital letters with their definition.
Ted talk
Relier ColonnesMatch phrasal verbs to their definitions.
S Advanced 1A Memory
Relier ColonnesMatch phrases/words to definitions.
S Advanced 1A Feelings (HW)
Relier ColonnesMatch a situation to emotion/feeling.
S Advanced 1A Feelings
Mots MêlésFind 8 adjectives to describe feelings.
S Advanced U8 Idioms
CompléterComplete the idioms.
IELTS advantage/disadvantage
CompléterFill in the gaps with appropriate word
TED talk "Traveling"
Mots CroisésRead the definition and guess the word
S Advanced Phrasal verbs
CompléterFill in the gaps with appropriate phrasal verbs
Solutions Advanced phrasalverb
CompléterFill in the gaps with appropriate phrasal verb
CompléterFill in the gaps
Sport idioms
Relier ColonnesMatch the idiom to the definition
Relier ColonnesMatch idioms to definitions
Nano Food
Relier ColonnesRead the sentence. Pay attention to the words/phrases in CAPITAL LETTERS. Match them with their definitions.
A letter of complaint
CompléterFill in the gaps with formal words/phrases
TED talk
CompléterFill in the gaps with appropriate vocabulary
Informal equivalents Task 2
CompléterFill in the gaps with the unformal equivalents from the previous task.
Informal equivalents
Relier ColonnesMatch the informal words with the definitions
"Food or Fuel?"
Relier ColonnesComplete the statements by filling in the gaps.
Solutions Advanced U6F
Relier ColonnesMatch the halves to complete the expression
Travel phrasal verbs
Relier ColonnesWatch the phrasal verb with their definitions
Advanced "Memory"
Relier ColonnesMatch the words to their definitions
Solutions Advanced 5A ex.5p49
Relier ColonnesComplete the collocations from the listening.
Solutions Advanced 5A
Relier ColonnesMatch the opposites
IELTS - Phrasal verbs
Relier ColonnesMatch the phrasal verbs to their meaning
Solutions Advanced 4D
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences. Match new words to their definitions.
IELTS "Changes"
Relier ColonnesMatch the words/phrases to their definitions
Solutions Advanced 4A TED talk
Relier ColonnesMatch the words to the appropriate definitions
Solutions Advanced 4A "Change"
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with the appropriate definition
Solutions Advanced 3G
Relier ColonnesMatch the adjectives describing places with their definitions.
Solutions Advanced 3E
Relier ColonnesMatch definitions to GET prases.
Solutions Advanced 3 A
Relier ColonnesMatch the verbs with the nouns to form common expressions.
EF Intermediate 9B
Relier ColonnesMatch the images to the words
EF Intermediate Revision 8
Mots CroisésRead the difinitions and type the word/phrase or idiom
EF Intermediate Revision 8
Mots CroisésRead the difinitions and type the word/phrase or idiom
EF Intermediate 8 B
Relier ColonnesMatch the words in capital letters to their definitions. The sentences will help.
Solutions Advanced 2A
Relier ColonnesComplete the compound adjectives.
EF Intermediate 8A
Relier ColonnesMatch the words to their definitions
Solutions Advanced 1A,B,E
Mots CroisésFind out the word
Solutions Advanced 10C
Relier ColonnesMatch adjectives to their definitions
Phrasal verbs
Relier ColonnesMemory game