key words
Memoryatch the word to the definition
My family
MemorySts have to match the new vocabulary with the correct definition
food groups
Relier Colonnesthey have to match the desciption
Spring day
MemoryThis is a memory game about vocabulary related to spring.
Extreme sports
MemorySts will have to match the sport to the definition.
Natural resources
MemoryVocabulary related to natural resources and recycling.
sports and activities
MemoryStudents have to match the word and the picture.
Travelling around the world
Mots RouletteThe students have to guess the word after reading the clue. The vocabulary is related to means of transport and journeys.
MemoryStudents have to match the characters of the movie "inside out" with a suitable adjective.
What's the weather like?
MemoryMatch the pictures with the words.
Free time activities
MemoryMatch the pictures with the names
Monster Inc
MemoryMatch the characters of the movie