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  • Mots Roulette

    vocabulary to work with this text https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210507-why-we-glorify-the-cult-of-burnout-and-overwork&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1725479965722030&usg=A...

  • Mots Roulette
    Mots Roulette

    Pass the Word

    Look at the pictures and say the name of the food

  • Mots Roulette
    Mots Roulette

    Social Media - ADV

    "The dilemma of the social media" video vocabulary.

  • Memory

    Verbs used when preparing lasagna.

  • Mots Roulette
    Mots Roulette

    Say the word

    Like the rosco in Argenitna