Spelling Bee
DictéeEscucha cada audio para anotar la palabra que tu maestra dictará. Anota el número al inicio de cada palabra, NO uses mayúsculas, NO agregues punto al final.
Listen to your teacher. Write the 5 sentences you hear.
Vocubularies Review
Mots MêlésBased on the vocabularies "Our Planet" and "Reuse and Recycle" look for 10 words.
Spelling Bee
Mots MêlésLook for 10 Spelling Bee words.
Words in Context
Relier ColonnesBased on the words you marked on the article "Chatterboxes", match each word with its definition.
Vocabulary: Animal Behavior
Relier ColonnesBased on the vocabulary about Animal behavior, match each question with the answer that best answers each one.
Vocabulary: Movement
Mots MêlésLook for the vocabulary word, give an example or a sentence with each word you find.