There is / there are questions form
Complete the following questions with there is or there are.
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Fruits listening
Listen to the words and match them with the suitable word and sound
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Phrasal verbs and idioms B:1
Let's practice phrasal verbs and idioms for improving our English level.
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Writing correction code
Read and correct the possible mistakes with the writing correction code.
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Practicing the simple past tense
Put into order the words to write correct sentences.
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Irregular verbs 4th grade
This activity will help you to learn some irregular verbs base form
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Look at the letter and put them into the correct order to write the word correctly
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Irregular verbs
Read the clues and put into order the letters to write correctly the verb.
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Prehistoric animals
In this activity, students will see prehistoric animals and their names.
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Technology and computers
In this activity, you will find phrasal verbs related to computers and technology.