school supplies
Mots Croisésvocabulary of school supplies
life cycle of a watermelon
Mots Croisésvocabulary
Mots Croisésvocabulary about elements in a house
family vocabulary
Relier Colonneslistening and practicing vocabulary of a family members using personal pronouns
Let's celebrate! vocabulary
Relier ColonnesReinforce new vocabulary and its pronunciation
School supplies vocabulary
Relier ColonnesReinforce vocabulay and pronunciation.
I can do many things!
Mots Croisésvocabulary of abilities
Memoryuse of can/can't for abilities
abilities listening
Memoryvocaculary of habilities we can/can't do
Life on the farm
Présentationvocabulary about farm activities
farm animals vocabulary
Memoryreinforce the vocabulary of farm animals
Testpractice the use of demonstrative pronouns and the vocabulary of farm animals.
healthy food
Relier Colonnesreinforce the vocabulary about some healthy food
phonics o
Relier ColonnesPractice the reading of some words that has "o" sound.
clothes descriptions
Relier Colonnesreading and recognizing personal pronouns with clothes
clothes vocabulary
Mots Mêléspractice the spelling of clothes.
MemoryReinforce the vocabulary of feelings
vocabulary parts of the body
Mots CroisésPracticing the body parts by spelling.
practicing "I have" by describing people
body parts II
MemoryTo learn and practice body parts vocabulary
Body Parts
Relier Colonnesto reinforce the vocabulary of body parts
bugs game
Memoryto reinforce the vocabulary of insects by playing
a plant needs
Mots Croisésvocabulary about the growing of a plant
there is/there are with fruits
Relier ColonnesReinforce the use of there is/ there are and the vocabulay of fruits
phonics "e"
Memoryvocabulary emphasizing "e" sound.
there is/there are
Memorymatching pairs correctly by Reading Information
Relier ColonnesTo reinforce the vocabulary of clothes.
MemoryTo practice the vocabulary of clothes
Where are the bugs?
Testpractice of prepositions
Mots Croisésreinforce the vocabulary of bugs