Mots Croisés
Relationship vocabulary
Complete the crossword with vocabulary related to relationships.
Present Simple X Continuous
Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous forms of the verbs given.
Relier Colonnes
Do, make or take?
Play the memory game and review some expressions with DO, MAKE and TAKE.
IN or ON?
Do we use IN or ON when talking about these places and times? Select the words according to the preposition given.
Comparative forms
Let’s review Comparative Forms by taking the quiz! Choose the best option to complete the sentences.
Complete the sentences about world records. (T2 - SB, p. 98)
Review: past Simple of TO BE
Use the correct form of WAS or WERE to complete the dialogue.
Relier Colonnes
Everyday actions - Past II
Can you match all these verbs with their past forms in less than 60 seconds?!