Unit 6-Muslim art
RelierYou have to match things I´m going to say you into: art during the early taifas, art during the Almohad period, and the Nasrid art.
Unit 4- Christian art
PrésentationI hope this presentation can help you to understand it better.
Unit 4- Caliph art
Carte InteractiveYou have to point to some places I'm going to say.
Unit 3- Feudal society
Mots CroisésThis activity is from all unit 3.
Unit 4-Evolution of al-Andalus
Carte InteractiveYou have to find in this map where was the Caliphate of Córdoba, kingdom of León, kingdom of Pamplona, Frankish kingdom, and Catalan counties.
Unit 4- Al-Andalus
RelierYou have to match the events to the three different periods: the conquest(711-756), the independent emirate(756-929), and the caliphate of Córdoba(929-1031).
Unit 2- Muhammad and Islam
CompléterYou have to fill in the blanks to form a word.
This are some questions about all unit 1.
Unit 5- Political changes
DevinetteThere were two important political changes in the High Middle Ages.
Unit 5-14th century crisis
PrésentationI hope this presentation can help you to understand better this point.
Unit 5- Urban renaissance
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in order to form sentences.
Unit 1- Carolingian Empire
Ordonner les LettresTry to complete all the words as possible
Unit 2- Islamic Religion
Mots MêlésTry to find all the words in the less time possible