Ordonner les Mots
Have something done - Unscramble the sentences
Unscramble the sentences to practise causative passives
Carte Interactive
English vowel system
SS complete the vowel diagram placing each vowel sound in its position
Froggy Jumps
Opposite adjectives - Looks
SS revise opposite adjectives to describe the looks of people
Students test their knowledge of the words travel, trip, journey, voyage
Mots Mêlés
Numbers and school objects
Based on New pass Trinity 1-2, this exercise is aimed at reviewing some of the vocabulary studied in the first two units.
Carte Interactive
Christmas decorations
Students learn the names of some popular Christmas decorations
Students revise injuries and ilnesses and practise how to pronounce them
Carte Interactive
Objects in the Living Room
Students learn and revise some objects they can find in a living room
Carte Interactive
Objects in the Kitchen
Students learn and practise some vocabulary from the kitchen
Irregular verbs part 2
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Complete this article from a magazine. Put in the to-infinitive or ing-form of the verbs.
Verb patterns - Test 1
Complete the conversation. Put in a to-infinitive or ing-form. Wirte the infinitive as one single word (to play - toplay)