Relier ColonnesListen and match the dates
What time is it?
Relier ColonnesListen to the time and match with the correct clock.
Fun with Numbers
Mots CroisésWrite the numbers in words.
Daily routines and chores at home
Relier ColonnesMatch the pictures with the actions.
How do I help at home?
Relier ColonnesMatch the actions with the pictures.
Pandemia Values Word Search
Mots MêlésThis is a word search where you can find words related to values that emerge during the Covid-19 Pandemia. The words are written from left to right or up to down.
Daily Routine Puzzle
Mots CroisésFind the daily routine actions according to the picture. WAKE UP - BRUSH MY TEETH - TAKE A BATH - HAVE BREAKFAST - DO MY HOMEWORK - READ A BOOK - GO TO BED - GET DRESSED