You will find words related to the Discovery of the American Continent.
You will find vocabulary and spelling words.
You will find a Spelling and Vocabulary review
You will find vocabulary words from lessons 1 and 2
You will find vocabulary words from units 1 and 2
Here you will find words related to the Cambridge Examination.
Here you will find words for the Flyers Examination. Match with their description
Find words related to Native Americans
Look for the meaning of each word.
Busca las palabras relacionadas con este tema
Match the word with its description
Descubre a los personajes de la Independencia por su descripción o fotografía
Here you will find questions related to the gods
Encontrarás palabras relacionadas con la Tecnología
En este crucigrama vas a encontrar palabras relacionadas con las TIC
Here you will find words related to Prehistory and Ice Ages
Find the words related to the Independence in Latin AMerica
Find the capital for each state
Write the capital for each state
Find the words from Ancient Greece
relacionar las palabras con su definición
In this wordsearch you will find words from Prehistory to Ancient Egypt
In this wordsearch, you must find words related to these periods of time
Find the words about the Ancient Chinese culture
Discover the word with the illustration or description
History Evaluation for the third bimester
Repaso para la tercera evaluacion
Match the word with its pair
Discover facts about the Earth
Discover the words on the wordsearch, about the Ancient Chinese civlization ")
Learn more about Early Judaism and the characters on it.
Con esta actividad conocerás más acerca de la Independencia de México
Answer with the words according to the meanings :)
Answer the questions, about ancient civilizations and the Prehistory
Contesta las preguntas acerca de las civilizaciones prehispánicas, la Conquista, el Virreinato y las castas
Write the answer for each description about Ancient China, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Sumerians, Akkadians, and Babylonians
Read and answer the questions about Ancient civilizations
Read the description, and then write the word.
Vocabulary about the This is Houston Lesson