Determiners, reference & Quantifiers
Oui ou NonRevision for the test
Food Kinder 3 CNC
Oui ou NonFood reinforcement
Food Kinder 3
MemoryFood presentation
Froggy JumpsJuego de revisión
Colour Memo
MemoryRevise colours
Colour Memo K3
MemoryRevise colours
Toys for kinder 4
MemoryToys prsentation
Yes/No questions 3rd forms CNC
Froggy JumpsRevision of yes/no questions
The Sky
MemoryVocabulary about the sky for kinder
Determiners - Pass the word!
Mots RouletteRevision of theory about determiners
Revision of verbal forms
Adverbs Warm-up
Mots CroisésRevision of adverbs
Mots MêlésRevision of nouns
Mots Croisésrevision
Pass the word revision
Mots RouletteGeneral revision for the test
Pass the Word game
Mots RouletteRevision of vocabulary
Clothes Memo K5
MemoryRevision of clothes for kindergarten
Body Parts for Kinder
Relier ColonnesRevision of body parts
Mots MêlésLet's have fun with verbs
UNIT 1 Quick Revision
Mots CroisésRevision of concepts related to linguistic units and parts of speech.
The benefits of Travelling
CompléterGame to revise vocabulary
Yes/No questions
Video QuizWatch the videos and let's check if you remember how to answer these questions
Dictation demo
Dictéedictacion demo
Academy Stars UNIT 1 Vocab
MemoryCheck your memory and revise the pronunciation of the vocabulary of the unit.
School Objects
MemoryMatch the school objects