Mots Croisés
Crucigrama de Números 1-100
Explora el mundo de los números del 1 al 100 con este divertido crucigrama.
Mots Roulette
The Alphabet game
Guess the word that begins with the letter Days of the week Months of the year Colours fruit
Carte Interactive
The Eatwell Plate: Listen and choose
What do you know about food? Select the picture to which the audio and text refer.
Mots Roulette
The Alphabet Game: Means of transport
Complete the following ring-shapped questionary about parts of the house and some objects that they contain. You can use the dictionary if it's necessary.
Mots Roulette
The Alphabet Game: Body Health
Complete the following ring-shapped questionary about parts of the body and body health. You can use the dictionary if it's necessary.
Mots Roulette
The Alphabet Game: Christmas
Complete the following ring-shapped questionary about parts of the house and some objects that they contain. You can use the dictionary if it's necessary.
Mots Roulette
Complete the following ring-shapped questionary about parts of the house and what they contain. You can use the dictionary if it's necessary.
Mots Roulette
The Alphabet Body Health
Complete the following ring-shapped questionary about parts of the body and body health. You can use the dictionary if it's necessary.
Mots Mêlés
Underrated jobs
Find 10 underrated jobs. Sometimes we value some jobs more highly than others, but we shouldn't. All jobs are important. Then choose 5 jobs and write one sentence with each one. Happy Labor Day!
Mots Mêlés
Costumes word search
Find 5 costumes that some children are going to dress up as tonight for Halloween. We must warn the Rookie detective because the witches are planning to kidnap them!
Mots Roulette
The Alphabet Game: The House
Complete the following ring-shapped questionary about parts of the house and some objects that they contain. You can use the dictionary if it's necessary.
Carte Interactive
The Eatwell Plate: Listen and choose
Read and listen to the different kinds of food and select its corresponding picture.
Carte Interactive
The Eatwell Plate: What is this?
Click on the images to discover the food. Listen carefully and repeat. You can also read how these words are written.
Carte Interactive
Practice: The Food Pyramid
Read and listen the different kinds of food and select its corresponding drawing.
Carte Interactive
Presentation: The Food Pyramid
Click in the images to discover the food. Listen carefully and repeat. You can also read how these words are written.
Relier Colonnes
Systems of the human body
Join each system with its image. Clue: the images are the same as the models we explained in the tutorial videos. (Une cada aparello coa súa imaxe. Pista: as imaxes son as mesmas que as das maq...