Mots Croisés
Vocabulary for a Job Interview
This is a short set of words related to job interviews. Use the definitions to match the words.
Ing - spelling
Hello and welcome to this exercise, here you can practice the rules to add ING to a verb.
Relier Colonnes
Food vocabulary - listening
Hello and welcome to this activity! Here you will find cards with sounds and pictures from different foods. Match the pictures with the audios to complete the activity. Good luck!
Relier Colonnes
Object pronouns - Listening
This is a simple listening exercise about object pronouns. It is meant to be as simple as possible.
The neighborhood
Hello and welcome to this activity! You only need to match pictures and names of the different parts of the neighborhood en english.
Relier Colonnes
Likes and dislikes
Match the sentences with their opposite. Grammar and listening exercise. Example: I like ------- I don't like
Time and hours - Listening
Match the sentences and the pictures to practice your listening skills about time, hours and prepositions of time.
Likes and dislikes
Hello guys! Welcome to this short activity about likes and dislikes :) Make pairs with pictures and sentences to win the game.