Past continuous
Relier ColonnesMatch the sentences with the pictures
Verbs in past simple
Mots CroisésLook at the verbs in present and write their past simple form.
Have to / don't have to
CompléterFill in the blanks
House chores
MemoryLook for the pairs.
Present perfect
Relier ColonnesMatch the verbs in present with its past participle form.
Past continuous
CompléterFill in the blanks.
Past continuous
Ordonner les MotsUnscramble the words to make a sentence in past continuous.
Past simple - other verbs
MemoryLook for the paired cards.
Past simple - was / were
CompléterFill in the blanks using verb to be in past
Past simple - regular verbs
Mots MêlésFind the verbs in the word search puzzle
Past simple - irregular verbs
Relier ColonnesMatch the verbs in present with its form in past.
Present perfect
Present perfect
CompléterFill in the blanks
Mots MêlésLook for the verbs
Present perfect
CompléterFill in the gaps
Past participle verbs
Relier ColonnesMatch the verbs in present with the past participle tense.
Possessive pronouns
Relier ColonnesMatch the subject pronouns with the corresponding possessive pronoun.
CompléterFill in the blanks
Words of frequency
CompléterFill in the blanks
MemoryPhysical appearance
Mots MêlésLook for the vocabulary about OUR SCHEDULE
Present simple
Relier ColonnesJoin the pictures with the sentences.
Present simple
Relier ColonnesJoin the pictures with the sentences.
Present simple
Ordonner les MotsUnscramble de words.
Present simple
Ordonner les MotsUnscramble the words to make sentences in present simple.
Present simple third person
CompléterFill in the blanks with the third person of the verb.
Present simple
Mots MêlésFind the verbs in present simple