
Son jeux

  • Froggy Jumps

    Las mezclas de Trevor

    Froggy Jumps

    Ayuda a la rana Trevor a reconocer diferencias entre mezclas homogéneas y heterogéneas, así podrá llegar a la orilla y reunirse con su familia

  • Test

    Answer in a right way

  • Mots Croisés

    Answer according to the topic

  • Test

    Answer in a right way the questions

  • Video Quiz

    Matter Review

    Video Quiz

    Answer the questions according to the topic

  • Video Quiz

    Eyyy choose the answer according to the video and to the explained in class

  • Memory

    Realiza la actividad propuesta de acuerdo al valor del Consejo.

  • Test



    Use "Could" for answering to each sentence

  • Test



    Answer in a correct way all the sentences

  • Test

    Complete using the future with Will

  • Test

    Going To


    Answer these questions according to the topic "Going To"

  • Mots Croisés

    Simple Machines

    Mots Croisés

    Write the correct word according to the topic "Simple Machines"

  • Test

    Choose the correct word according to each sentence

  • Mots Mêlés

    Matter and its states

    Mots Mêlés

    Find the words related with the topic "Matter"

  • Mots Croisés


    Mots Croisés

    Answer according to the rules of the superlatives of adjectives. For answering, you must write if it is a short adjective, only the adjective without "The" And if the adjective is long, remember the...

  • Mots Croisés

    Solar System

    Mots Croisés

    Answer the keywords according to the descriptions

  • Test

    Choose the correct answer according to the topic of Comparatives

  • Test

    According to the Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 of the Unit 5, answer the questions.

  • Mots Roulette


    Mots Roulette

    Choose the letter and answer the question according to the keyword. La letra indicada tiene una pregunta, lee muy bien por favor si la pregunta hace referencia a un plural o a un singular. Ejemplo, e...

  • Compléter

    The Senses


    Complete the text using the words in the box.

  • Test

    Responde de acuerdo a las páginas del libro (58-59)

  • Test

    Plural of the regular nouns

  • Test

    Choose the correct answer according to the Unit of the Human Body Systems and Nutrition

  • Mots Mêlés

    Verbs with -ING

    Mots Mêlés

    Encuentra los 5 verbos que están en la sopa de letras, escríbelos en tu cuaderno y allí mismo (en tu cuaderno) haz con cada verbo una frase afirmativa y una frase interrogativa en pasado progresivo. L...

  • Mots Mêlés


    Mots Mêlés

    According to the vocabulary of "Meals", looking for 10 words related with it. Good luck!!!