Procesos de Lectura y Escritura
Mots CroisésEncuentra las palabras relacionadas con los procesos de lectura y escritura en este crucigrama educativo.
Juego de Memoria de Comunicación
Relier ColonnesEncuentra las parejas relacionadas con la historia de la comunicación.
School supplies
Mots CroisésPractice spelling about school supplies
School supplies
Ordonner les LettresPut in practice spelling of school supplies
Etapas del lenguaje
Mots CroisésIdentificar los conceptos de las etapas del lenguaje
Carte InteractiveIdentify the new vocabulary
adverbs -ly
Mots CroisésBe able to change adjectives into adverbs
Relative pronouns
RelierIdentify the relative pronouns
Relative pronouns
Mots MêlésBe able to identify the relative pronouns
Influence climate
Mots CroisésLearn vocabulary
The Spanish Territory
Mots CroisésIdentify places around the Spanish
The Spanish Territory
Carte InteractiveIdentify the elements of the Spanish territory
personality Adjectives
Mots MêlésReview of the vocabulary
world biomes
Mots CroisésIdentify the types of biomes
Unit 11: The World of Work
Mots CroisésRead the sentences and write the name of the profession
Les Parties du corp
Carte InteractiveVocabauire
Map of Spain
Carte InteractiveReview of Europe
Parts of the body
Carte InteractiveInteractive way to match and learn the parts of the body
Zero conditional
Mots CroisésPractice the tenses of the verbs
Unit 10: Acrross the world
Mots CroisésPractice vocabulary
Unit 9: Playing to win
RelierPractice go, play and go
Playing to win
Mots CroisésReview vocabulary
Les saisons
Mots CroisésPractiquer
Relier ColonnesPractice the vocabulary
Mots MêlésRead the examples and write the answers. Use the vocabulary of the emotions
Relier ColonnesContinue practice the topic
Structure of passive voice
Relier ColonnesMake a review of the passive voice
Unit 9
Mots MêlésPurpose of make a review of the vocabulary