Database for Web
CompléterDatabase Concepts and Working with MySQL DBMS
Advanced PHP
CompléterFill in the blanks
Fundamentals to PHP
CompléterFill in the blanks
CSS and Bootstrap Framework
CompléterFill in the blank part 2
CSS and Bootstrap Framework
CompléterFill in the blank part 1
Introduction to web technology
CompléterFill in the Blank
Database Concepts and Working with MySQL DBMS
DISE - Advanced PHP
TestDeep knowledge to PHP
Basic knowledge of PHP
DiSE - CSS/Bootstrap
TestCSS and Bootstrap Framework
TestBasic knowledge for the web development
U9W2_Activity05_SQL Queries
Carte InteractiveSelect the correct SQL query to get the correct Output
U9W3_Activity06_SQL Commands
Relier ColonnesMatch the Descriptions in column B with Terms in Column A / B තීරුවේ විස්තර A තීරුවේ පද සමඟ සසඳන්න / நெடுவரிசை B இல் உள்ள விளக்கங்களை A நெடுவரிசையில் உள்ள சொற்களுடன் பொருத்துங்கள்
U9W3_Activity07_Crossword Puzzle
Mots CroisésComplete the puzzle using suitable words using the hints
Group these functionalities as Advantages and Disadvantages of database management system (DBMS)
U9W1_Activity04_ER Diagram
Carte InteractiveIdentify the types of attributes of an ER-Diagram
U9W1_Activity03_DB Architecture
CompléterComplete this text
U9W1_Activity02_Data Models
Relier ColonnesMatch the different types of data models with their descriptions