Colours - Màu sắc (W)
Relier ColonnesMatching the correct colours to the correct names in Vietnamese.
Phương tiện giao thông (S)
Relier ColonnesLearning transportations in Vietnamese
Phương tiện giao thông (W)
Relier ColonnesLearning transportations in Vietnamese
Fruits with colours
Relier ColonnesMatching the correct fruits with colours to the correct names in Vietnamese.
Fruits - Trái cây
Relier ColonnesMatching the correct fruits to the correct names in Vietnamese.
Colours - Màu sắc (S)
Relier ColonnesMatching the correct colours to the correct names in Vietnamese.
Động từ (pictures)
Relier ColonnesMatch the sounds to the correct pictures.
Động từ (words)
Relier ColonnesMatch the sounds to the correct words.
Động từ (sounds)
Relier ColonnesMatch the sounds to the correct pictures.
Động từ (words)
Relier ColonnesMatch the words to the correct pictures.
Hôm nay thời tiết thế nào?
Relier ColonnesLearning to say weather in Vietnamese. Find and match the correct words to the pictures.
Hôm nay thời tiết thế nào?
Relier ColonnesMatching the correct pictures to the correct sounds
Thời tiết
Relier ColonnesMatching the correct pictures to the correct sounds
Thời tiết
Relier ColonnesLearning to say weather in Vietnamese. Matching the correct words to the correct sounds.