Mots Roulette
Let's play with words II
Complete the wheel with key words from the book "Learn with us"
Mots Mêlés
Safari animals
Find 5 safari animals and 5 parts of the body (encuentra 5 animales que podemos encontrar en un safari y 5 partes delcuerpo que utilizamos para describirlos)
Mots Mêlés
May Revolution in Argentina
Busca en la sopa de letras el vocabulario relacionado con "May Revolution"
Mots Croisés
May Revolution
Complete the crossword with vocabulary from the video (Completa el crucigrama con el vocabulario presentado en el video)
Mots Roulette
Let's play with words!
Read the clues and complete the word roulette with key vocabulary from the book "What's up 3"
Mots Croisés
17th August
Complete the crossword with key words from the video "National Hero". Completar el crucigrama con algunas palabras claves del video sobre San Martín, nuestro héroe nacional
Relier Colonnes
Precepts for my daughter
Join San Martín´s precepts for his daughter Mercedes in English and Spanish
Mots Mêlés
Find these symbols from the song video "I got free from you" by Eva Luna Montaner