choose the correct question word
match the opposite adjectives
match the english word with the czech translation
order the words
select the correct question word
present simple questions with question words
select the right question word
choose the right option
unscramble the sentences with some/any
complete the correct word
match the personal pronoun and the possessive adjective
unscramble the words
match the questions and answers
choose the correct short answer.
match the question word and its czech equivalent
choose the write question word
unscramble the letters
match the animals and their characteristics
unscramble the sentences.
choose the correct word
unscrable the letters in days
use a pronouns instead of a name
match the english and czech pronouns
complete missing words
unscrable the sentences, yes/no questions
choose the correct country name in the genitiv form
Find the country on the map
match the phrases
match the basic English phrases with their Czech equivalents.
unscramble the sentences, first lesson material
conecta los adjetivos opuestos
choose the correct option
match the opposites
health problems
fill in the sentences
irregular verbs
fill in the verbs
choose the correct form
fill in the text
match the infinitive and the past simple form