Relier Colonnes
Places in Town and Preposition
Lest´s practice location, using places in town and prepositions.
Video Quiz
Do/Does Questions and Answers
Observar el video y contestar las preguntas, Si nuevamente desea ver las imágenes dar click en BACK TO SEE. To ask and answer about ownership using have. (3EGB) *(Ref. EFL.2.4.8)
Relier Colonnes
Observe las imágenes, lea las frases y una con la correcta. TO DESCRIBE A SCENE USING ADJECTIVES AND TO MAKE SUGGESTIONS. E.F.L.2.2.12
Mots Croisés
To name and talk about places in the country. To describe a scene using adjectives and make suggestions. EFL.2.1.4. , EFL.2.2.11. Look at the pictures and solve the crossword.
Mots Croisés
Places in town
Dar click en el cuadrado con el número para completar el nombre del lugar que aparezca, una vez terminado el crucigrama dar click en el botón CHECK para revisar si lo hemos realizado correctamente. ...
Relier Colonnes
Must / Mustn´t
READ THE SENTENCES OR LISTEN TO THE AUDIOS AND MATCH WITH THE CORRECT PICTURE. EFL.2.2.4. Identify items of specific information within simple messages or from short and ...
Video Quiz
Stay Healthy Must / Mustn´t
WATCH THE VIDEO AND DO THE EXERCISES. EFL.2.2.4. Identify items of specific information within simple messages or from short and simple descriptions about famil...
Mots Mêlés
Find the words: eat, swim, sleep, run, climb, dance, read, ride, listen, jump, walk, brush,drink