Possesive adjectives
The objective is to fill in the blanks with the correct Romanian possessive adjective based on the English translation.
Carte Interactive
Ordinal numbers - Stationery
Through this activity, the children practise the ordinal numbers in Romanian.
Carte Interactive
Describing a classroom
The aim is to match the Romanian description with the proper image.
Relier Colonnes
Singular - Plural nouns
Match the singular with the proper plural form of each noun.
A FI - Timpul trecut
A text in Romanian where blanks need to be filled with the forms of TO BE (A FI) at past simple.
Relier Colonnes
A FI - Timpul trecut
A grammar activity that focuses on TO BE at past tense (imperfect).
Relier Colonnes
Describing animals
Match the animals (nouns) with the appropriate adjective. Think of the number and gender of the noun, then remember that that the adjective needs to have an agreement with the noun and changes its for...
Ciuboțelele ogarului
A short version of the Romanian story Ciuboțelele ogarului by Călin Gruia where you have to fill in the blanks.
Relier Colonnes
Animals - singular and plural
Match the singular noun with the appropriate plural one.
A Fi, A Face si A Lucra
The conjugations of the verbs TO BE, TO DO and TO WORK at past, present and future tenses need to be correctly put in the sentences in order to make sense.
Furnica si porumbita
A short version in Romanian of the story Furnica și porumbița by Lev Tolstoi.
Fill in the blanks in the text. The text is in Romanian and it is about sports and activities/routine.