Test your knowledge of first, second, and third conditional sentences!
Synonyms IN3
Relier ColonnesGlossary from exercisees
Synonyms PAU exam 1
Relier ColonnesSynonyms from PAU exam 'From Pigs to Peas'
Words of Injustice
Mots RouletteGuess the words related to historical injustices and inequality.
AI Alphabet Challenge
Mots RouletteGuess the AI-related word for each letter of the alphabet!
Reporting Verbs Quiz
Mots RouletteGuess the reporting verbs based on their definitions from the text!
Tech Gadgets Quiz
TestTest your knowledge of tech gadgets with this quiz! See if you can identify the features of these advanced devices.
Tech Vocabulary Challenge
Mots RouletteGuess tech words from the text definitions. Fun for English learners!
BBC revision game
Ordonner les MotsBBC pet lion & out-of-hours
BBC revision game
Mots RouletteRevision last 4 BBCs (sencond term)
Yes / no quiz about Prepositional verbs (unit 8)
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct preposition.
Natural Disasters and Extreme Weather Quiz
Oui ou NonTest your knowledge about natural disasters and extreme weather with this fun quiz!
Unit 8 vocab.Natural Disasters
Relier ColonnesMatch the word with the corresponding pair.
Unit 2 Quizlet glossary
Mots RouletteVocabulary unit 2
Compound Nouns Unit 7
Relier ColonnesCompound nouns unit 7
Idioms unit 6
Relier ColonnesIdiomatic expressions: matching
BBC 1, 2
MemoryMatch synonyms (bbc vocabulary)
BBCs Scooter & Surf vocabulary
Mots RouletteRevision of the glossary from the last two BBCs (Scooter; Surf)
Vocabulary Unit 4
Mots CroisésWords related to Colours Blog
Pains & Aches unit 4
Ordonner les LettresCreate words
Bruno Mars song
CompléterFill gaps typing words.
Vocabulary "Recycling"
Mots RouletteGlossary related to the BBC Recycle Food Waste
Negative prefixes
Froggy JumpsAdd the corresponding negative prefix
Mots RouletteActivity to revise jobs
Word Search Ecology
Mots MêlésFind the words related to unit 5 ecology.
Perpausa 2
TestAukeratu perpaus mota egokia.
Perpausak 1
RelierIdentifikatu perpaus motak.
First Conditionals
Froggy JumpsFirst Conditionals quiz
Pakearen asteko ekintza
CompléterJustice and Peace week gap-filling
Justice synonyms/antonyms
RelierVocabulary for Justice and Peace tasks
Matching exercise to revise unit 4 vocabulary.
Revision unit 4 (froggy)
Froggy JumpsRevise vocabulary and grammar from unit 4.
Hutsuneak bete nor-nork dagokion aldia.
Present Perfect
Mots CroisésWorking on regular and irregular verbs in the present perfect.
Cold Play "Paradise" song
CompléterFill gaps
Unit 2 glossary
Mots CroisésWrite the corresponding words from unit 2 (extreme sports).
Pasapalabra "A,B,C Game"
Mots RouletteReview unit 1 vocabulary with this "rosco" style game.
Fast food glossary
CompléterWorking on synonyms.
Green Day song
CompléterWake me up when September ends
BBC related video-Chewing Gum
CompléterFill gaps text.
Unit 10 adjectives (Matching)
Relier ColonnesMatching exercise (adjectives)
Ez da ezetz- ESNE BELTZA
CompléterKanta jarduera.
ITB 4 Hiztegia
Mots RouletteBerdintasunez blai!
Pasahitza entzungaien hiztegia
Mots Roulette2.ebaluazioko entzungaien hiztegiarekin Pasahitza jolasa.
Crime Vocabulary "Rosco"
Mots RouletteVocabulary related to unit 9 "Trouble".
Lexikogintza Quiz
TestMailegua, eratorria ala elkartua?
Black Mirror film review
CompléterGap-filling exercise on Black Mirror series.
Subjuntiboa nor-nori-nork
Mots CroisésErrepasoa.
BBC coronavirus fill gap
CompléterFill gaps with the appropriate words.
CompléterEleberri baten zatia irakurri eta bete hutsuneak hitz egokienekin.
unit 10 vocabulary review
Mots RouletteRevision of all the vocabulary in unit 10 Speakout.