activity 2
Testchoose the correct option
Mission 2 part 2
Mots Mêléscrossword
Mission 2
Relier ColonnesFind the pairs! Match the photo and the word
Mission 1
Relier ColonnesMatch the questions with the answers
Mission 25 level 3
TestPractice vocabulary
Choose the correct option and complete the sentence.
Mission 22
Mission 20 level 3
Mission 19 - level 3
TestPractice Wh- questions. Who did the amazing animal meet?
Days of the week
Ordonner les MotsPut the days of the week in order
mission 17
Ordonner les Motsorder the words
Mission 17
Relier Colonnesintegrative mission
Food likes and dislikes
Word order
Ordonner les MotsMission 14 word order
Mission 13 Act 2
Ordonner les MotsActivity 2. Order the words
TestChoose the correct option
Which is my pet?
TestRead the description and choose the correct picture (Lee la descripción y elige la opción correcta).
Parts of the body - mission 9
Carte InteractiveRevision of parts of the body
My pet can...
Relier ColonnesPractice action verbs with pets
Word scramble
TestWhere does my pet sleep? Unscramble these words
Parts of the body
TestParts of the body
matching descriptions
Relier Colonnesanimal descriptions
Mission 5 -Jobs
TestPractice vocabulary of misson 5
mission 5- ac.2
TestDescribe a dog's face
Order the words
Ordonner les Motsword order
Animal party
Testpresent continuous
Pets word seach
Mots Mêléspets word search
Order the words Mission 4
Ordonner les MotsMission 4 - my pet
Colourful animals
TestPractice colours and names of pets
TestLearn about ecosystems
Parts of the face
TestParts of the face - Basic 1
Practice personal pronouns
Colours - pronunciation
Relier ColonnesPractice the pronunciation of colours
5th grade mission 1
Test5th grade qz
4th grade grammar m1
Ordonner les Motsmission 1
4th grade mission 1
Testmission 1
Mots MêlésPractise the spelling of colours
Memory game places in town
Relier ColonnesPractise vocabulary of places in town relating the sound of the word to the image
Places in town
TestPractise vocabulary of places in town
Revise vocabulary of shops
Relier ColonnesAnimals
Animals can...
TestPractise vocabulary of actions and animal
Practice like/enjoy/don't like + ing
Match the description to the picture