E to I verb review
Relier ColonnesReview of E to I stem-changers in the present tense indicative.
Las Comidas - Las Frutas
MemoryLas Comidas - Las Frutas
Las Comidas - La Carne
MemoryLas Comidas - La Carne
Los Animales, Parte 2
Relier ColonnesReviewing part 2 of the animal unit vocabulary.
City Vocabulary - LAS
Relier ColonnesReview of the feminine places in the city.
City Vocabulary - ELS
Relier ColonnesReview of the masculine places around a city!
E to IE verbs Matching Game!
MemoryE to IE verbs Matching Game - reviewing meanings and conjugations!
O to UE Stem-Changing Verbs!
Relier ColonnesMatching game to review o to ue stem-changing verbs!
Clothing Adjectives - Matching!
Relier ColonnesClothing -Adjectives, Designs, and Fabrics!
Tener Phrases!
MemoryMatch these tener phrases with their English equivalents!
-ZCO Verbs!
MemoryReview your -zco verbs with their meanings and the "yo" form conjugations!!