Find key terms related to Unit 5.
students read the definitions to complete the crossword puzzle
unscramble the letters to make words related to weather
Look for the words we have studied
unscramble the letters to make words
Organize the words so the sentence makes sense
Look for the words we have studied so far
Match the words and pictures
Write the words based on their synonyms
Match pictures and phrases
Match the words and definitions
Look for words related to cities
look for words you might know
Match the professioin name and picture
Match the pictures and phrases
Macth the words and definitions
Match the words and definitions
Match the images and phrases
Write the words based on the definitons
Look for words you might know
Match the words and pictures
Complete the sentences matching the idioms
Match the words and the pictures
Write the words from the pictures
Match the expressions and pictures
match the expression and the definiton
Write the words based on the definitions
Match the phrasal verbs and definitions
Match the words with their definitions
Match the words and definitions
Write the words and expressions
Write the words based on the difinitions
Match the words and the definitions
Look for words you might know
Match the pictures and the expressions
Match the words and the definitions
unscramble the letter to make a binomial
Write the words to complete the sentences
Match the words and pictures
Match the words to the definitions
Write the work related words based on the definition
Match the expressions an the definitions
Look for the words. Then, decide if they are more or less assertive. Explain your decision
Remeber the words we have studied in this unit
Write words based on their synonyms
Look for the words studied
Match the expressions and the pictures
Matche the sentences to the pictures
Match the summer break activity to the picture
Match the words and pictures
Match the words and pictures
Look for words you already know
Match the country to the custom
What are the plural forms of these words?
Match the words and pictures
Match words and definitions
Write the words based on their definitions
Match the words to the pictures
Adjectives and Possessive Adjectives
Nationalities and occupations
Write the words based on the definitions
Match the words to the definitions
Match the words and the pictures
Match the words and the pictures
Match the person to the verb
match the word and the picture
Match the months and days of the week
Write the words based on the definition
Look for the words we've studied
Write the names of the numbers and months
Write the words to complete
Match the word and picture
Find the adjectives to describe places
Match the pictures and words
Find the words we've studied
Match the pictures and words
Match the pictures and the words
Match the pictures and the words
Match the number with its name
Match the words and the pictures
Find the words and pictures that match
Match the words and pictures
match the words that belong to the same group
Mathc the issue with the picture
Answer the quiz about laws around the world
find the 3rd form of the irregular verbs
Match the shapes and the words
Match the shapes and the words
Find the names of the colours
Match the picture and the word
Match the picture and the word
Look for regular and Irregular verbs
Match the pictures and words
Match the word and the picture
Match the pictures with the words
Match the word and the picture
Match the picture to the word it represents
Match the name of the companie to its name explanation
match expressions and pictures
match the pictures or definitions to the worlds
match the activity with the picture
Match the picture to the word
Check the correct answers
Match the two hakves of the compund nouns
Match the words and the pictures
Look for the Phrasal Verbs
Match the name of the small business with its description
Review before strat book 2A Interchange
Review before the strat of book 3B Interchange
match pictures with words
Match vocabulary to pictures
Match pictures vocabulary