
Son jeux

  • Carte Interactive

    My summer suitcase.

    Carte Interactive

    Children have to find the objets.

  • Relier Colonnes


    Relier Colonnes

    Children have to match the word /the sound with the picture. Relacionar cada objeto con la palabra correspondiente.

  • Memory

    Match the sound with the correct picture. Los niños/as tienen que asociar sonido de la palabra con la imagen correspondiente.

  • Memory

    Children have to match the word/ sound with the picture. Los niños/ as tienen que unir el sonido de la palabra con la imagen correspondiente.

  • Relier Colonnes

    Match the bugs

    Relier Colonnes

    Children have to match the sound with its bug. Los niños/as tienen que emparejar el sonido de la palabra con el insecto al que corresponde.

  • Relier Colonnes

    Match the animals: Jungle.

    Relier Colonnes

    Children have to listen the name of the animals and click on the square that they listen and then, they have to click on the correct animal to match two squares (The name and the image of the animal)....

  • Memory

    Children have to match the sound with its animal. Los niños tienen que emparejar el sonido con su animal correspondiente.

  • Relier Colonnes


    Relier Colonnes

    Children have to listen and match the name with the animal. First, they have to listen and click on that square (in the white part) to select it and then, they have to click on the animal. Tienen q...

  • Relier Colonnes

    Match the animals.

    Relier Colonnes

    Children have to listen the name of the animals and click on the square that they listen and then, they have to click on the correct animal to match two squares (The name and the animal) Los niños ti...

  • Memory

    Memory: Pets.


    Children have to listen the name of the animal and select the correct animal. First: listen; then: click on the white part of the square and after: click on the animal. Los niños tienen que escucha...