
Son jeux

Changer le mode d'affichage de l'activité
  • Relier Colonnes
    Relier Colonnes

    How is the weather?

    Children have to match the sound with the correct imagte

  • Carte Interactive
    Carte Interactive

    The body

    with this activity, studens are going to review the vocabulary related to body parts

  • Relier Colonnes
    Relier Colonnes

    The colours 2

    children have to match the imatge with the correct colour

  • Relier Colonnes
    Relier Colonnes

    The colours

    Children have to match the sound with the correct colour

  • Relier Colonnes
    Relier Colonnes


    Children have to match the sound with the correct emotion

  • Carte Interactive
    Carte Interactive


    By Mans of this activity, studens are going to review the vocabulary related to face parts